

COVID-19, Greentech, Heatlhtech


This crisis is reshaping the panorama of investment in innovation, it affirms the strong potential of two sectors of innovation: greentech and healthtech.

Greentech: the sustainable solution

Companies specialising in energy transition are among those that are coming to minimise the impact of this crisis and will most likely be the most dynamic when economic activity returns to “normal”.
On the other side of this health crisis, it can be observed that the oil industry has never been so weakened and is not helped by geopolitical differences. The problem does not concern the capacity of oil companies to optimize the production of this raw material but the geopolitical situation.
In what type of greentech business should we invest?
Companies that accelerate the energy transition can be divided into three categories:
Decarbonization: this concerns all companies in renewable energy production.
Digitalization: this concerns the whole transformation of operational resources and systems in energy transition.
Decentralization of the energy distribution system: this concerns all infrastructures, transport and storage.

Healthtech: at the heart of demographic changes

The health crisis we are currently experiencing is a perfect illustration of our lack of preparation to fight the spread of any virus and the deficient economic management of various sectors of activity. In addition, the aging population in many countries such as China is increasing, placing growing demands on the health sector.
What is being strongly developed during the crisis is telemedicine, which makes it possible to consult a doctor while staying at home. Solutions are being developed to reduce healthcare costs and indirectly help to relieve hospital congestion.
The health strategy that is being developed to combat COVID-19 will probably be the benchmark for the years to come.
It is impossible today to continue with the same system. Health is a challenge for every sector of activity, so solutions adapted to this new global change are emerging.
Novahub is an international accelerator based in Mexico, USA and France. We have today a portfolio of startups related to greentech and healthtech that offer today tangible solutions to problems related to the energy and health sector.

To learn more, contact us !

    Comment (1)

    1. […] to combat COVID-19; The impact of Covid-19 on Greentech has been seen in one of our articles (Greentech & Healththech: the next investment) and in this one we will see how the Machine Learning can help to counter climate change. The […]

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